Bernie Donkerbrook, EQMentor, wrote this response to my post:
“Learning all the time” means making learning part of the culture of an organization. This means that learning (using Schein’s definition of culture below) is that employees are actually doing and behaving in the following manner, (Follows the premise of first, ‘Knowing’, then ‘Agreeing’ and finally actually ‘Doing!’)
- That ‘learning all the time’ is one of the underlying assumptions of the organization…and is discussed, expected, and followed up.
- That everyone is expected to continually develop their knowledge and skills.
- That learning is valued and expected at all levels of the organization.
- Managers encourage their direct reports to acquire new knowledge and skills and apply that learning in the organization.
- That learning is ingrained in the routines and rituals of employees.
- Asking questions and giving feedback is just what people do.
- Sharing successes and failures is done openly and without risk of disapproval.
- Employees tell stories that dramatize what they are learning. P
- Action-learning permeates all team activity.
- Performance reviews are focused on learning and capacity building.
These are signs of a learning culture. A learning culture isn’t a program; it’s all of these things, behaviors by managers and employees, and more. An organization that is creating and maintaining this kind of culture is ready to compete in the fast-changing world today and in the future.
Schein's Definition of Culture in Organizational Culture and Leadership, “…says that culture consists of the values, basic assumptions, beliefs, expected behaviors, and norms of an organization. (i.e., “How we do things around here.”). An organization’s culture affects what people think, how people feel, and what people do.”