You don’t get as much value as you should out of your organization’s training and development programs In fact, the number of trainees who apply new learning in their organizations is estimated to be only about 15% to 20%. That is a sad state of affairs. The 5As Framework is a solution to this problem.
The 5As Framework is an easy to remember aid for ensuring that any learning intervention, whether
classroom training, elearning, coaching and mentoring, self-directed study, internships, etc., results in participants applying what they have learned in their organizations. The Framework was created by Sean Murray and myself to help trainers and managers get more out of their investment in training and development programs.
Interest in the 5As Framework has increased recently. In part, this is because of an online course I am facilitating for ASTD titled, Developing an Organizational Learning Culture, and because of a presentation I gave in the ZingTrain Speaker Series. I want interested readers of this blog to easily find information about the 5As Framework. Therefore, I am summarizing information in this post.
For a brief summary:
For a manager’s guide to conducting an alliance (one of the 5As) conversation with learners:
For a link to our ebook about the 5As Framework:
For research on the impact of training:
For a description of the role of managers in the 5As Framework: