What should be a manager’s role in employee learning? This
is the question I will be answering in an ASTD-sponsored webcast on September
24, 2013 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
In answering this question, the first thing managers have to
understand is that continuous learning is
the modus operandi for all high
performance organizations. Individual, team, and enterprise performance can’t
improve without learning. Learning isn’t in addition to a manager’s job; it IS
a manager’s job.
By “learning” I mean acquiring the knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and beliefs that help individuals, teams, and whole organizations
improve performance. An engineer in a prototype department of a manufacturer
learns how to operate a 3D printer. Cross-functional
team members in a marketing firm learn how to run their project meetings more
effectively. A hospital learns how to put the “wow” in customer service.
Learning breeds learning and success breeds success.
Marshall and Kelly Goldsmith make that point in this comment about the
importance of employee development (i.e., learning):
Developing people is a
strategic process that adds value to both the employees and the bottom line of
the organization. Highly committed, highly competent people create financial
rewards for the organization; organizations that develop their people and
provide opportunities for growth are sought-after by high-impact performers.
Great leaders know this simple formula. They understand it and strive to create
an environment that supports it. And the result is success!
Google did a study of its employees and found that managers
are successful in Google, not because of their technical expertise, although
that’s important, but because of what they do to help team members learn and
develop and achieve success.
Four trends are making continuous learning an essential part
of doing business today.
- Computer technology has made the access to and
management of new information easy and timely. Learning can occur at your desk
or on-the-go, synchronously or asynchronously, individually or in groups.
- Individuals want personalization of their own learning.
They can find instructional material and tools when and where they need them
and at little cost in money and time.
- Competition is cheap and can come from anywhere
in the world. To stay competitive, you have to be more knowledgeable, more
skilled, and better able to apply that knowledge and skill effectively.
- Employees need agility when it comes to
information. They need to be able to search, locate, evaluate, select, and
apply information. They need to take information from a wide variety of
sources, not only from trainers and educators, and translate that information
into knowledge and wisdom. They need to be curators of information.
These trends impact everyone in a company, not only HR and
trainers. These trends disrupt the status quo constantly. Annual planning is
too late. Waiting for the next budget is too late. Signing up for the next available
class is too late. Managers must support and facilitate just-in-time learning
that is responsive to emerging needs. A hospital, wishing to become more
efficient and effective, has implemented “lean” by inviting the staff of
departments to workshops on the application of “lean” in healthcare. That’s
admirable and maybe some employees will enjoy learning about lean healthcare,
but this approach is unlikely to make a significant change in how the hospital
as a whole does things or in the results it gets.
In contrast, Zaxby’s, a franchisor of gourmet chicken
restaurants with 20,000 employees, has made training and development part of
every manager’s job. Managers have control of their own learning, not corporate trainers,
HR, or a CLO. And, because of this, store managers have embraced continuous
learning for themselves and for their employees.
However, all managers face organizational barriers to making learning
part of everyone’s job. I have described these barriers in a previous post. One
of the major barriers to learning is a culture that does not value learning.
Producing and selling things is valued, but not learning. Supervisors don’t
release direct reports from their workplace to attend workshops and other
learning events. Managers don’t recognize and reward employees for learning new
skills. Creativity and innovation are discouraged; leaders cling to the status
The 5As Framework offers managers a model for overcoming
these barriers. According to this framework, any learning intervention, whether
it is a workshop, a course, a DVD or online video, a game or simulation,
coaching, mentoring, action-learning, job-rotation, internship, or any of a
dozen other ways to structure learning experiences, should be designed with
five factors in mind:
- Alignment: Align learning with strategic
business goals
- Anticipation: Set an expectation for performance
- Alliance: Create a learning alliance between
learner and manager
- Application: Apply new learning immediately
- Accountability: Hold learner and organization accountable
for business results; measure impact
Zingerman’s, the internationally famous deli and gourmet
food retailer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, applies the 5As to the development of their
employees. All managers are expected to 1)
provide context for the training, 2) reinforce how the training can help the
employee/trainee to be successful and 3) help the trainee put the learnings
from the training to good use.
So back to the question: “What should be a manager’s role in
employee learning?” The answer is that managers have an essential role. Given
the times we live in, managers must make ongoing learning and performance
improvement part of what they do on a day-to-day basis for themselves and for
the people they supervise. We have
models and tools for making this happen.